Travel Blog Prosperity Review

Jessie is an established travel blogger and she takes her membership community seriously. This community includes a library of travel blogging courses that are updated monthly, live coaching calls with Jessie and a weekly list of VIP opportunities for her members.

Travel Blog Prosperity Review is a profitable full-time travel blogger. She also runs a successful social media business, podcast and coaching program.

Travel Blog Prosperity Review

Many travel blogging courses teach how to create a blog, monetize it, understand SEO, nurture an email list, and grow traffic. But few do it all like Travel Blog Prosperity, a nurturing membership community that offers online courses, live workshops and coaching calls, paid opportunities, and a private Facebook group.

Jessie Festa, a 6-figure travel blogger, created the course to help aspiring and existing travel bloggers turn their blogs into “profitable businesses that grow in traffic and income every month.” Travel Blog Prosperity is a subscription program that includes a library of resources and a supportive community.

Each month, members get access to a new course collection. Each course collection is a mini-course focused on a specific topic, such as getting accepted to Mediavine, crafting a successful social media schedule, or growing your Pinterest following. Each course is taught by an expert in the subject matter. Jessie also hosts bi-monthly blog coaching calls where she answers questions and provides feedback to members.

The only downside to this course is that it is not suitable for beginners. In the beginning, it takes a while to figure out how everything works and what you actually need to do. It also requires a lot of work, time, and patience to build a profitable travel blog. However, it’s worth the investment if you’re serious about becoming a travel blogger.

As a member of the program, you can receive monthly paid opportunities from travel brands looking to work with travel bloggers. These opportunities are posted in the private Facebook group and also emailed to all members. These opportunities are not available to the general public, and they’re a great way to earn passive income from your travel blog.

The cost of Travel Blog Prosperity is $49 per month, and there’s no money back guarantee. However, if you’re not satisfied with the program, you can cancel before your next billing date. There are also other travel blogging courses that provide similar information for a lower price. For example, Matt Kepne’s Superstar Blogging costs just $99 and comes with a 14-day money back guarantee.

There are many travel blogging courses that teach you how to start a blog, monetize it, and how to grow traffic and email subscribers. However, few of them do it all like Travel Blog Prosperity.

It is a nurturing membership community that includes everything you need to turn your blog into a profitable business, from courses and live coaching to paid opportunities sent straight to your inbox. If you want to get started with it, you can sign up for $9 for your first month (with a coupon code).

The course is hosted by Jessie Festa, who runs two successful travel blogs: Jessie on a Journey and Epicure & Culture. She also hosts the Profitable Travel Blogger podcast. She has a Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree in Communication & Rhetoric. While she is a skilled writer, she doesn’t claim to be an expert in every aspect of the blogging world. In fact, she even brings in experts when she feels that there is a topic that needs a deeper dive.

Jessie has a huge library of mini travel blogging courses, and she adds new ones to it every month. The courses are designed to be taken in order, and you can ask her questions on the bi-monthly blogging coaching calls. In addition, she has a private Facebook group where you can ask questions and network with other members.

Another perks of the course is that it includes genuine paid opportunities that are emailed to members each week. These are typically with tourism boards and other travel brands who want to work with bloggers.

The cost of Travel Blog Prosperity is $49 per month. However, it’s important to note that the program doesn’t offer a money back guarantee. It is important to weigh the benefits of this program against the costs before deciding whether it is worth it for you. Other programs, such as Superstar Blogging by Matt Kepne, cost much less and offer a money back guarantee. While these programs may be more expensive than Travel Blog Prosperity, they can help you make a profit from your travel blog.

Jessie’s mission in the Travel Blog Prosperity Community is to help people create a business and lifestyle that aligns with their values. She wants to empower her members to cut out the tasks that aren’t serving them and focus on those that lead to conversions. This could mean reducing social media activity, focusing on affiliate marketing, or cutting down blogging posts that don’t bring in revenue.

The membership includes access to a course collection, live workshops and coaching calls, and a private Facebook group. Each month, a new course is released on a topic that is relevant to travel bloggers. Past topics have included attracting the right audience, growing an email list, and blogging legally. The courses include a combination of how-to guides, video training, a printable workbook, and a checklist.

One thing that sets travel blog prosperity apart from other blogging courses is that the content is focused on creating a sustainable, profitable, and genuine business. Jessie doesn’t offer any get-rich-quick schemes or unrealistic expectations.

While this makes the course ideal for beginner bloggers, it is also suitable for more advanced bloggers who are looking to grow their blog traffic and income. There are plenty of tips and strategies that can be applied to other blogs as well, even those in niches outside of travel.

Those who are interested in learning how to create a profitable business and make six figures should consider enrolling in Travel Blog Prosperity. It is an excellent value, and it will allow them to spend more time on their passion while still being able to support themselves financially.

If you’re considering signing up for Travel Blog Prosperity, there’s no better way to find out if it’s the right fit for you than by trying it out for yourself. You can sign up for a free trial and cancel your subscription at any time within the first month. The only thing you risk losing is a little bit of your own money, which is far better than the hundreds of dollars that other blogging courses cost. If you can commit to taking the course, then you’ll be rewarded with a life that is more fulfilling and exciting.

Unlike many other blogging courses, Travel Blog Prosperity doesn’t just focus on increasing traffic or getting more page views. It also teaches you how to turn those visitors into money. As Jessie says, “What good is an extra thousand followers if you’re not actually making any money?”

That’s why the program focuses on transforming your blog into a profitable business. You’ll learn how to set up and run an email list, create and launch products, grow your social media following, promote your website, improve SEO, make the most of freebies and much more.

In addition, you’ll get access to a private Facebook group where you can discuss ideas and ask questions with other bloggers. You’ll also be able to join monthly group coaching calls with Jessie and other members.

The program isn’t for beginners, but it’s definitely worth trying if you’re serious about making your travel blog a full-time job. It’s been a game changer for Retha Charette, who credits the course with helping her land her first paying gig as a blogger. It’s also helped Anna Cook, who became a full-time travel blogger after signing up for the course.

Another thing to note is that Travel Blog Prosperity doesn’t offer a money-back guarantee, so you’ll need to commit if you want to see results. That’s a big downside for many people, but it’s not an uncommon scenario for online learning.

Luckily, most programs don’t offer a money-back guarantee, but there are plenty of other ways to try them out before you decide if they’re right for you. Check out this list of popular online courses to find one that suits your needs and budget.